Our public speaking courses

Individual coaching

“The program aims to develop adults’ public speaking skills, emphasizing self-confidence, communication clarity, stress management, and the ability to captivate an audience.”

Quitterie Pallain-Dulau, speaking coach

Who is this training for?

This training is intended for professionals, executives, entrepreneurs, and anyone looking to enhance their public speaking skills for presentations, meetings, or professional events.


The training programme

  • Understanding the Foundations of Effective Public Speaking
  • Identifying communication obstacles
  • Developing self-confidence and assurance
  • Structuring and organizing impactful speeches
  • Effectively using non-verbal communication
  • Managing stress and emotions during a presentation
  • Developing skills to captivate and retain audience attention

Individual coaching

On demand

Any personal requests?

Feel free to contact me for any personalized inquiries.

Other training sessions

Master your Oral Presentations

Boost your Pitch

Dare to speak in public